Welcome to The Seriously Sorted Podcast

Episode 001

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Points Covered

  • What Seriously Sorted is all about

  • Introducing myself as your podcast hostess, Lauren Stratford

  • What’s to come from The Seriously Sorted Podcast

Episode Transcript

Oh my goodness, the very first episode of The Seriously Sorted Podcast.

I have been wanting to do this podcast for a few months now. And I'm finally recording thank goodness. So today's entire episode I really just want to achieve three quick things with you:

I want to introduce myself; I want to explain what Seriously Sorted is all about; and get you excited about what's to come from The Seriously Sorted Podcast.

Okay, so as you know my name is Lauren Stratford and I am the owner of Seriously Sorted which is my productivity coaching and consulting business which I started three or four years ago now in different versions I supposed you'd say.

My background is in franchise systems and project management and marketing. I have worked for some really amazing big brands before I ventured out on my own. I worked for Bakers Delight, for Boost Juice, for Priceline, and a little stint in the government there. So I left there, I left Priceline, which was my final job before I left corporate life to work with my partner in our property development business, and then decided that did not light me up. So I decided to start my own consulting, to sort of bring my big business systems knowledge to small business in a way that is really manageable for them.

So I'm really, really passionate about having people understand the value of their time and using their time really wisely and making sure that their business is really suiting their life, I suppose.

So I don't like to assume when I work with someone that they want to necessarily scale, lots of times people are trying to fit more into less time, less into less time. And so a lot of my services often are around trying to figure out where people are spending their time, what can be templated, what can be outsourced and sort of smarter and savvy ways of working. So that's what my sort of background is, and what my consulting business is about.

I decided to start the podcast, basically, because it was sort of an efficient way for me to then further utilise the content. I'm all about efficiencies, as I'm sure you've already guessed. And, also I felt that maybe just reading about systems and processes was a little snooze-ville and possibly if you were listening to me and the passion that I have around helping you get a little bit more systemized that might make you a little bit more interested to listen. And so that was sort of number one. And in terms of content for the episodes at this stage, I've got two different formats that I'm working on.

So I've got my short solo episodes, I'm hoping that they will be just like this one sort of five or six minutes long, really short, sharp. Hopefully you can listen to them either when you're having some downtime and relaxing with the podcast or doing things efficiently and maybe killing two birds with one stone listening while you're at the gym or something. And something that's really actionable in sort of a five minute, five minute episode, so they'll be solo episodes with me. And then I have a few amazing businesses lined up to do some longer interview episodes where I'm going to go behind the scenes of the businesses.

So I am so fascinated with how people manage their businesses like the operations, the inner workings of people's businesses, and I often feel that particularly with solopreneurs and people that are the face of their business, sort of they're the name face of their business, people often assume that they're doing it all themselves. And I really sort of want to debunk that and encourage people to get help when they need it and not just assume that some of these bigger businesses who look really successful that not to assume that they're all sort of just doing it by themselves.

So I've got a few amazing women lined up for my first few longer interview episodes. And with both if you have any suggestions on who you'd like to hear from, or tips and tricks that you'd like me to share, please let me know. Just send me a DM at @seriouslysorted on Insta or on Facebook, and I'll get that happening. So just really short and sharp. introduce myself explain what Seriously Sorted is about from the consultancy perspective, and what I'm hoping to provide you on the podcast and that's it.

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Lauren Stratford

your podcast hostess

Lauren Stratford

Hi, I’m Lauren and I help overwhelmed creatives like you embrace their strengths, get clear on their customer journey and maximise their impact (without adding to the never ending task list!).


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